Monday, June 16, 2008

Windows into Zambia

Picture Pastor Tom teaching 70 Zambians in a cinder block school room with a mud-coated roof. As Pastor Tom teaches, the listeners shout their "amens" with celebratory ululations. And what is the message? The same one Pastor Tom teaches here - the gospel's power to save and free us from bitterness, enabling us to walk before Him in joy.

Picture Pastor Jeff and Teresa, celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary in Zambia, as they reaffirm their vows in a traditional African wedding ceremony.

Picture African pastors listening to Bible teaching from 8-5 and then saying, "Please don't stop. We are not tired. It is God's truth. How can we be tired of that?"

1 comment:

Jenna Rebekah said...

Wonderfully encouraging images to begin the morning with. 8-5 and not tired, that is grace.

Sincere congratulations and envy to the Dodges - under an African sky, my beloved and I.
If you haven't already, or recently, you should watch Out of Africa again.