Monday, June 9, 2008

Summer Ministry Begins!

180 and Escape 22 kicked off their summer meetings with God's "rain plan":
  • Unable to meet outside for the activities and games due to the heavy rains, junior and senior highers met inside the auditorium for praise and worship
  • they gathered in groups in areas of the auditorium to pray for their schools
  • and finished off the evening by splitting into 180 and Escape fellowship groups of 120 each!

Internationals welcomed at the Des Moines airport:

  • 16 Americans and 2 new Chinese believers welcomed 19 Chinese students at the Des Moines airport at 1:50a this morning
  • the 2 Chinese believers had arrived in last year's visiting group as unbelievers!

Westwind has their first church service

  • 105 people participated in the first worship service at Waukee elementary on Sunday
  • Pastor Troy attended and rejoiced in the authentic worship and excitement of God at work in their midst

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