Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Intentional Relationships

Time with Junior High students...
  • 53 Sixth Grade students spent Friday night at Cornerstone led by Mike Heintz. The goal? To build relationships as a foundation for the gospel and discipleship. It worked!
  • 50+ 7th and 8th Graders went to Dallas this last weekend for the "Identity in Christ" conference. As Babatunde, one of the adult sponsors, shared his story on the bus, a junior high gal realized that she could become a child of the King and have her own past redeemed.

Turkish Fulbright scholars...

  • were connected with Cornerstoners to experience American culture
  • one of these Turkish scholars was sovereignly connected with TSC students when she ended up "lost" in Ames
  • These same TSC students attended the party that the Turkish students attended - and rejoiced in their recognition of one another and the number of Americans who love their country!

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